QuickVoice® Recorder App Reviews

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not very good

Doesnt email recording to turn into iphone ringtone. Fails often.


I installed this app but it failed to open.


Records well but crashed whenever I try to actually email the recordings


Not student friendly! Impossible to email audio if its over 5mb. It wont even sync with pc or mac. Absolute rubbish.

Doesnt work!

I just recorded 2 hours of a meeting in 5-6 separate recordings to find at the end of the meeting not one word was recorded! Thanks QuickTime for failing me - but you wont do it again. ((((DELETE))))

Not happy

I had to do an interview for an important assignment for school I completed it and now I cant even email it or transfer it to my computer cause its too big and I dont have the full version. You couldve warned me before !!


This app is useless to me because i cannot get the voice recordings backed up onto my PC.

Low volume

Cant hear what you recorded!...volume level is terrible


Cant even sync to Mac, plugged in or not. Terrible, cant retrieve or transfer important recordings, what a waste of time. Awful app, lies

Works great

It is the perfect quick recording app for small sized recording. It would be great if they could somehow interface it with a phone conversation so I could record one of I have to, then anything important from the conversation I needed to remember is easy to access! Been using it for a couple years on the iphone4s and its been great.

Speaker Control

When you press the “Speaker” button, the only indication that the speaker has been activated is that the font size becomes slightly bigger. It took me a while to notice the change. It would be helpful to color the button green when the speaker is activated. Other than that, the app is great.

Losing Recordings.

Today. I just lost one hour of lecture recording on this app. This would not be the first time I have lost important recordings from this app. I record the material and when Im finished, the data still appears to be there but I cannot access it. The timing appears as 0:00:00 which cannot be true since my recordings go well above 1 hour.

Transfering the recordings to DropBox or computer

I have been using this app for a few months now. It is an excellent app for recording voice memos and lectures. However, there does not seem to be a way to transfer these recordings from my iPad to my computer. Even uploading to Dropbox fails. This app does not appear in the iTunes app list of the device, so recordings cannot be copied to the computer. Tried to open the recording in another app, which also did not work. Uploading to dropbox also failed. If the developers do read these reviews, please help. There has to be an easy way to copy the recordings to the computer without which the app is not of much long use.

Piece of Junk!

I recorded something, paid for the upgrade to the pro which said it would then allow me to export the file. WRONG! it does not let you do this so now i’ve paid for an app that doesn’t export recordings and it’s useless to me. Thanks rip off team! Their customer service contact through the app and directly on their website don’t work, when you hit submit it comes up with an error and the message isn’t sent so you have no way to contact them. Ripped me off that’s for sure! DON’T BUY THIS APP, ONCE UPGRADED IT DOESN’T HAVE THE FUNCTIONS IT SAYS IT DOES!!!

Do not buy the uppgrade

I used to use this app for university lectures, the app was awesome when it was free. Now after the update you have to pay to air drop files and on top of that it still doesnt work after you upgrade to pro!! Basically a waste of 1$

Limited to 5 minutes

They dont tell you that you are limited to 5 minutes per recording unless you purchase the pro version. Very misleading.


I wanted to get a backup of my records, it was not possible. App required me to buy an upgraded version for exporting and getting back up. But it was a lie. I paid and still it does nothing. They even dont reply clients texts. They are cheating

Recording stops if someone calls you in the middle

Come on, this is a no-brainer. they should have seen this coming. Its really an annoyance if you forget to set your phone to airplane mode before recording and then someone calls you and you end up having the error message of "the recording stopped unexpectedly". If calls will disrupt the recording process, they should have that feature disabled automatically! You have no idea how many valuable recordings I have lost because of this!


This application is very useful and helpful!! Its convenient for us.


本欄を見ても、PCへデータを転送できている方とできていない方がいるようですね。 私は現在「できない」派。有償のPCアプリをダウンロード済み。環境はMac OS 10.4.11です。 メーカーに問い合わせ中ですが、いくつか反応があったので途中経過をご報告しておきます。 > Make sure you have the latest version.... select go to "Help--Check for Updates" と言ってきましたが、試してみると"No update available"の表示が。 そう連絡したところ今度は、 > Assuming you did a *full backup* not just a sync. > Try these thing... change > the recording name to something other than > MyRecording. Try installing bot > the Paid and Free version onto your phone. Let me > know if any of these > 3-items helped. と来ました。 まず最初の項目。当然ながら当方のiTunesは日本語版なので表示が異なりますが、"full backup"というのをどうやるのかさえ知らないので、これは当てはまらないと思います。普通に「同期」してダメでした。 次にファイル名ですが、すでに、iPhone上で名前を変えたものと、"My Recording"のままのものが存在する状態で試してありますが、これは関係なさそうです。 最後の項目、「有料版」というのは「QuickVoice Pro」ってやつのことなのですかね? いずれにしても、有料版でなければ転送できないのなら最初から使わないつもりだったし、有料版を入れた挙げ句にうまく行かなかった場合は補償してくれるのか?と返信しました。 すると、 > No. You do not need the paid version. But if you too I will compensate you $1 in the form of a gifted song. Let us know. 有料版って1ドルなんですね。さぞかしせこいと思われたことでしょう。 この"gifted song"ってのの意味がわからないので、とりあえずそれを質問(もしかして、iTunesストア上の商品券みたいなものですかね?)。 と同時に、PCに転送できないのなら、最初からPC版のアプリなど買う必要がなかったのだから、15ドル(でしたっけ?)を返せ、とメールしたところです。 進展あれば、またご報告します。

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